Getting start

GiD must be launched

Select the ICARE problem type as described below :

The ICARE toolbar appears :

Each icon in the toolbar will start an ICARE tool or definition window. For several definition windows, a check box will be presented on the top of the window. It must be checked to activate the item defined in the window. For example :

               NO Planewave Source in the computation :                                              Planewave Source in the computation :

All the items are initialized with default values. These values are usually suited for a standard problem definition, so that the selected item is almost ready to go.

If an item is checked, the incompatible items will be unchecked. As an example, if the plane wave is activated, the other sources will be unchecked (the Voltage source, the Wave Guide source, the Radar Cross Section Analysis).

For most of the tools, contextual help is available. Use the question mark button in the upper right cornet and select an item. If available, help will appear like in the following example :

When a computation finished successfully, it is possible to view the results in post process mode. To switch to or from the post process mode, use the pre-post toggle button :

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