
System requirements :

ICARE runs under Windows and Linux. It was heavily tested with Windows XP, Windows 7 (32 and 64 bits) and RPM based Linux distributions (64 bits). Please contact IEEA for more details or particular request.

ICARE needs GiD 8.0.7 or later. It was tested at least with GiD 8.0.7, GiD 9.0.4 and GiD 10.1.9d. This user manual is based on the 8.0.7 version of GiD. ICARE may be launched with a unlicensed GiD version. However, ICARE uses GiD mesh capabilities which are limited in the unlicensed version.

GiD is available from this internet link :

Currently, the parallel version is only available on Linux. It relies on a MPI implementation. Open MPI,  MPI SGI and MPICH have been tested.

The user interface requires 2 external tools that are shipped with Windows, but not with Linux :

Installation :

The ICARE.gid directory must be placed under the GiD problemtypes directory. For example, in the Windows version of GiD 8.0.7, the default location is :

C:\Program Files\GiD\GiD8.0.7\problemtypes. This may be done manually or with the provided setup.

The Windows version requires that the bin directory located in ICARE.gid is added to the PATH environment variable. The provided setup utility should do this task. If ICARE is installed manually, the PATH variable must be updated.

The Linux version requires that the following files are executables :




The parallel version may require the intervention of IEEA for installation and tuning on a supercomputer (or cluster of computers).

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