Open Gid and choose Problem Type Icare as explained in section Set Up
Create a line :
or with in the left toolbar.
Enter the coordinates of the line's extremities in command line of Gid (at the bottom of the wndow) or click on the gid main window to set them.
First point : 0 0 0
Second : 0 0 0.25
Third : 0 0 0.5
To cancel the line creation mode, press 'Esc' key or the middle-button of the mouse
To zoom on the wire click on
The geometry being defined, the electromagnetic parameters shall be initialized.
The wire represents the antenna. A property has to be added to define the radius.
Click on to open the antenna window.
The radius default parameter is 5 mm.
Click on "Assign" then "Lines" :
Select the lines with the mouse.
Press 'Esc' or middle-button or click on 'Finish'
and 'Close'
Click on to set the the voltage source.
Name the source(optional) and assign it to the middle point
All required properties have been defined.
Enter the operating frequency using
To define the far field pattern click on
Select Pattern on the top of the far field calculation window :
The source and the pattern can be visualized using
Source visualisation:
Far field visualisation :
The option window allows choosing the number of elements per wavelength which defines the mesh accuracy. The default value is λ/10.
Click on to build the mesh
Save your project with
Run Icare with
Once the calculation is finished, the results may be visualized by selecting Post-Process
To view the 3D far field pattern, use the button and click on the "Show 3D radiation Pattern" button :
Clicking on allows seeing the results file and find one particular result in this file.
To see the result for the input impedance value (classical result), select the keyword in the predefined list :
Congratulations for your first antenna simulation with ICARE !
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