Les activités de recherche et de développement menées à IEEA conduisent régulièrement à des publications. Vous trouverez ici la liste des plus importantes. Si le fichier pdf est disponible, il est possible d'accèder au texte de la publication.
Y. Béniguel et al., "MONITOR Ionospheric Network: two case studies on scintillation and electron content variability", Ann. Geophys., 35, 377-391, 2017 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, M. Darces, M. Hélier, A. Reineix, P. Pouliguen, "A surface wave radar simulator", EUCAP 2016, Davos, April 2016 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, M. Darces, M. Hélier, A. Reineix, "A Global Tool for the Prediction of HF Surface Wave Propagation", Journées scientifiques Envirem 2015, Supélec, Juin 2015 [pdf]
M. Hernández-Pajares, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, Y. Béniguel, A. Garcia-Rigo, J. Kinrade, K. Kauristie, R. Orus-Perez, S. Schlueter, D. Serant, B. Nava, A. Krankowski, H. Secretan, R. Sampedro, X. Prats , “MONITOR ionospheric monitoring system: analysis of perturbed days affecting SBAS performance”, ION PNT Honolulu, April 2015 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, M. Hernandez-Pajares, A. Garcia-Rigo, R. Orus-Perez, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, S. Schlueter, H.Secretan, M. Monnerat, D. Serant, “MONITOR Ionospheric Monitoring System: GNSS Performance Estimation”, European Navigation Conference, Bordeaux, April 2015 [pdf]
P. Hamel, JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, JC. Joly, " Comparison of 3D and 2D method to study the propagation in a U-shaped valley", EUCAP 2015, Lisbon, April 2015 [pdf]
P. Hamel, D. Sambou, M. Darces, Y. Beniguel, M. Hélier, " Kriging method to perform Scintillation maps based on measurement and GISM model" Radio Science, 2014 [DOI]
Y. Béniguel, M. Darces, C. Djoma, M. Hélier, A. Reineix, J. Avella Castiblanco, "Prediction of HF wave propagation for "over the horizon" radar application", IEEE International Conference on Antennas Measurements and Applications (CAMA), Antibes - Juan les Pins, November 2014 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, R. Prieto - Cerdeira, S. Schlüter, R. Orus - Perez, "The Monitor Project", African School on Space Science, Kigali, Rwanda, July 2014 [pdf slides]
Y. Béniguel, "Global Ionospheric Scintillation Model", African School on Space Science, Kigali, Rwanda, July 2014 [pdf slides]
P. Hamel, D. C. Sambou, M. Darces, Y. Beniguel, M. Hélier, "Kriging Method Combined with GISM to Generate Ionospheric Scintillation Map", EUCAP 2014, The Hague, April 2014 [pdf]
JP. Adam, P. Hamel, M. Romier, "Better Multiband Horn Antenna Design by Using the Real Modal Content at Input", EUCAP 2014, The Hague, April 2014 [pdf]
D. Serant, S. Rougerie, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, Y. Béniguel, "Analysis of Bitgrabber Data Affected by Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillation Events During 2013 Solar Maximum", 6th European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signals Processing, Munich, December 2013 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, P. Hamel, C. Sambou, M. Darces, M. Hélier, " Ionosphere Scintillation mapping", Beacon Satellite Symposium, Bath, July 2013 [pdf slides]
Y. Béniguel, M. Darces, M. Hélier, N. Payet, "Radiation and Propagation in the Context of HF Over-The-Horizon Radar", EUCAP 2013, Goteborg, April 2013 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, "Propagation Errors and Scintillation on Trans - Ionospheric Links", EUCAP 2013, Goteborg, April 2013 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, M. Angling, E. Banfi, C. Bourga, M. Cueto, R. Fleury, A. Garcia-Rigo, P. Hamel, R. Hartmann, M. Hernández-Pajares, N. Jakowski, K. Kauristie, R. Orus, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, JJ. Valette, M. van de Kamp, "Ionospheric Effects on GNSS performance", Navitec Symposium, Noordwijk, December 2012 [pdf]
P. Hamel, JP. Adam, G. Kubické, P. Pouliguen, "Design of a stealth wind turbine", LAPC 2012 Proceedings, Loughborough, November 2012 [pdf]
JP. Adam, G. Kubické, R.Hémon, "Iterative Physical Optics GPU Accelerated", EUROEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, July 2012 [pdf]
JP. Adam, JM. Lopez, B. Pecqueux, P. Viars, "Receiving Antennas Analyzed with FDTD and the Theorem of Reciprocity", EUROEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, July 2012 [pdf]
D. Asfaux, X. Ferrières, B. Pecqueux, "FETD vs. FDTD : Application to a Large Building Illuminated by an EMP", EUROEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, July 2012 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, "Antenna radiation in the Presence of an Infinite Interface", ANTEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, June 2012 [pdf]
P. Hamel, JP. Adam, G. Kubické, P. Pouliguen, "An improved Hybridization Technique of Geometrical Optics Physical Optics", ANTEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, June 2012 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, P. Hamel, "Ionosphere Scintillation Modelling / Satellite Navigation Impairments & Radar Observations", EUCAP Symposium, Prague, March 2012 [pdf]
JP. Adam, P. Hamel, I. Albert, M. Romier, Y. Béniguel, "Design and Manufacturing of Non-Circular Spline-Profile Horns", 33rd ESA Antenna Workshop, Noordwijk, October 2011 [pdf]
L. Costes, JC. Orlhac, JM. Goutoule, JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, M. van der Vorst, "A 54/118 GHz Dual-Frequency Feed for Earth Observation Applications", 33rd ESA Antenna Workshop, Noordwijk, October 2011 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, P. Hamel, "A global ionosphere scintillation propagation model for equatorial regions", Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2011 [pdf] [DOI]
R. Prieto Cerdeira, Y. Béniguel, "The MONITOR project: architecture, data and products", Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria VA, May 2011 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, "Modeling global ionosphere and inhomogeneities", C. R. Physique 12 (2011) 180–185 [author's draft pdf]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, A. Bourdillon, P. Lassudrie-Duchesne, "Ionosphere scintillation effects on navigation systems", C. R. Physique 12 (2011) 186–191 [author's draft pdf]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, M. Darces, F. Jangal, "Propagation par onde de sol en HF et VHF", Electromagnétisme et guerre électronique, Toulouse, November 2009 [pdf slides]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, N. Jakowski, T. Noack, V. Wilken, JJ. Valette, M. Cueto, A. Bourdillon, P. Lassudrie-Duchesne, B. Arbesser-Rastburg, "Analysis of scintillation recorded during the PRIS measurement campaign", Radio Sci., 44, September 2009
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Ionospheric Equatorial Scintillation Characteristics", Galileo Workshop, Padova, 2009 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel et al., "Ionospheric scintillation monitoring and modelling", Annals of Geophysics, vol. 52, n. 3/4, June/August 2009, [pdf]
JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, "Source millimétrique bi-fréquence", SEE Antennes non-standard, Paris, 2009 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, R. Prieto - Cerdeira, B. Arbesser - Rastburg, "Ionospheric Scintillations at L & C Bands", EUCAP09, Berlin, March 2009 [pdf]
JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, L. Costes, M. Van der Vorst, "52/119 GHz Corrugated Horn Design for Earth Observation Applications", EUCAP09, Berlin, March 2009 [pdf]
JP. Adam, JC. Joly, B. Pecqueux, D. Asfaux, "The reciprocity theorem applied to find the best coupling incidence", C. R. Physique 10 (2009) 65–69 [author's draft pdf]
S. Lannelongue, H. Guichon, Y. Béniguel, M. Crisci, "Characterisation of Scintillation effect on Galileo Sensor Station Continuity of Service", GNSS08, Toulouse, 2008 [pdf]
JP. Adam, JC. Joly, B. Pecqueux, D. Asfaux, "Recherche de la direction d’incidence de plus fort couplage a l’aide du theoreme de reciprocite", CEM08 Proceedings, Paris, 2008 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, B. Arbesser-Rastburg, A. J. Van Dierendonck, "Analysis of Scintillations recorded in the equatorial regions", Beacon Satellite Symposium, Boston, 2007 [pdf slides]
L. Costes, JC. Orlhac, JM. Goutoule, JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, M. van der Vorst, "Multi-frequency Feeds for Earth Observation Applications", EUCAP07 Proceedings, Edimburgh, 2007 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Time Series Generators to Simulate Earth Satellite Links Affected by Scintillations", EUCAP07 Proceedings, Edimburgh, 2007 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Ionosphere Scintillations and their Effect on the Positioning", 1st Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Toulouse, 2007 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Effects of Scintillations in GNSS Operation", chapter 3.5 in the book by J. Lilensten, "Space Weather - Research towards Applications in Europe", Springer, 2007 [pdf]
JC. Joly, B. Pecqueux, Y. Béniguel, D. Asfaux, A. Reineix, C. Guiffaut, "Etude Parametrique du Couplage de Micro-Ondes sur des Pistes Electroniques", CEM06 Proceedings, St Malo, 2006 [pdf]
JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, B. Pecqueux, JC. Joly, A. Reineix, "Utilisation de l’UTD pour des problèmes de couplage externe et interne sur une structure quelconque", CEM06 Proceedings, St Malo, 2006 [pdf]
F. Kosdikian, Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, G.P. Piau, I. Terrasse, "Security of Aircraft in the Future European Environment « SAFEE »", EUCAP06 Proceedings, Nice, 2006 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, T. Noack, N. Jakowski, E. Sardon, JJ. Valette, A. Bourdillon, P. Lassudrie-Duchesne, B. Arbesser-Rastburg, "Signal Scintillations in the Low Latitudes and High Latitudes Regions", EUCAP06 Proceedings, Nice, 2006 [pdf]
P. Brachat, R. Bills, P. Ratajczak, C. Sabatier, E. Seguenot, P. Bongibault, J. Mailleux, T. Vitte, Y. Béniguel, "A Compact On-board Aircraft Sectorial Antenna", EUCAP06 Proceedings, Nice, 2006 [pdf]
JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, "IEEA Contribution", Workshop « EM » JINA 2006 Proceedings, Nice, 2006 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, K. Van't Klooster, L. Costes, "Design Realization and Measurements of a High Performance Wide-Band Corrugated Horn", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 53, No. 11, November 2005
Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, K. Van't Klooster, L. Costes, "Design Realisation and Measurements of a High Performance Wideband Corrugated Horn", ANTEM05 Proceedings, St Malo, 2005 [pdf]
JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, "UTD asymptotic code used for antenna implementation on electrically large structures", ANTEM05 Proceedings, St Malo, 2005 [pdf]
F. Molinet, H. Steve, JP. Adam, "State of the Art in Computational Methods for the Prediction of Radar Cross Sections and Antenna-Platform Interactions", Comptes Rendus Physique de l'Academie des Sciences, 2005, pp. 626-639 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, B. Forte, S. M. Radicella, H. J. Strangeways, V. E. Gherm, N. N. Zernov, "Scintillations effects on satellite to Earth links for telecommunication and navigation purposes", Annals of Geophysics, supplement to vol. 47, N. 2/3, 2004 [pdf]
J. Geiswiller, E. Kerherve, W. Tabbara, B. Pecqueux, M. Helier, JC. Joly, D. Lecointe, JP. Vannel, N. Rouvrais, D. Asfaux, Y. Béniguel, "Susceptibilite Electromagnetique d’un Deploiement Complexe de Structures", CEM04 Proceedings, Toulouse, 2004 [pdf]
JP. Adam, J. Geiswiller, Y. Béniguel, "Couplage entre antennes sur porteur", CEM04 Proceedings, Toulouse, 2004 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, J. Geiswiller, JP. Adam, C. Sarrou, C. Sajous, T. De Maeyer, "The effects of scintillations on the positioning errors", 2nd CNES workshop on Earth-Space Propagation, Toulouse, 2004 [pdf]
J. Geiswiller, JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, "IDRA/GID 3D asymptotic code for the modelling of the antenna pattern in the vicinity of large structures", 2nd Conference on Advances and Applications of GiD, Barcelona, 2004 [pdf] [pdf GID web]
Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Characterisation of Ionosphere Scintillations - PLL and DLL Errors at Receiver Level", Atmospheric Remote Sensing Conference Proceedings, Matera, 2003 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, "Global Ionospheric Propagation Model (GIM): a propagation model for scintillations of transmitted signals", Radio Science, Volume 37, N° 3, May 2002
Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, K. Van't Klooster, L. Costes, "Design of High Performance Wideband Corrugated Horn", IEEE AP-S Symposium Proceedings, San Antonio, 2002 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, G. Berginc, "Une revue des techniques utilisees pour le calcul de la diffraction par les surfaces rugueuses aleatoires", Journees d'etudes sur la propagation electromagnetique dans l'atmosphere : du decametrique a l'angstrom, Rennes, 2002 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, J. Deagostini, R. Lenormand, "EMC Analysis between Antennas on a Satellite Payload", AP2000 Millienium Conference Proceedings, Davos, 2000 [pdf]
G. Berginc, Y. Béniguel, B. Chevalier, "Small slope approximation method : Higher order contributions for scattering from conducting 3D surfaces", SPIE99 Proceedings, Denver, 1999 [pdf]
D. Asfaux, Y. Béniguel, B. Pecqueux, "Modélisation de milieux de propagation dispersifs dans un code D.F.D.T", CEM98 Proceedings, Brest, 1998 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, "Model of developement of inhomogeneities inside the ionosphere", ESA Symposium Proceedings on "Environment Modelling for Space-based Applications", Noordwijk, September 1996 [pdf]
D. Asfaux, Y. Béniguel, "Modélisation de panneaux minces en matériaux composites multicouches et anisotropes dans un code D.F.D.T.", CEM96 Proceedings, Lille, septembre 1996 [pdf]
M. Fournier, M. Soiron, Y. Béniguel, "Model of propagation in random media", EUROEM 94 Proceedings, Bordeaux, 1994 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, "Courant induit par une onde incidente sur un conducteur rectiligne et filiforme situé au voisinage du sol - première partie", Annales des Télécommunications, tome 37, no 1-2, Janvier-Février 1982 [pdf]
Y. Béniguel, "Courant induit par une onde incidente sur un conducteur rectiligne et filiforme situé au voisinage du sol - deuxième partie", Annales des Télécommunications, tome 37, no 3-4, Mars-Avril 1982 [pdf]